


说明:《(2018版)公路工程专用合同条款》是对国家发改委等九部委颁布的《2007版标准施工招标文件》第四章中的《通用合同条款》(General Conditions of Contract)的细化和补充。

Note: The PARTICULAR TERMS FOR HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONTRACT (2018 edition) is a detailed and generalization of the General Conditions of Contract in chapter IV of Standard Construction Bidding Document (2007 edition) promulgated by the State Development.


1. 一般约定 General Agreement

2.发包人义务 Obligations of the Employer

3. 监理人Supervisor

4. 承包人Contractor

5. 材料和工程设备Materials and Plant

5.1 承包人提供的材料和工程设备 Materials and Plant Supplied by Contractor

5.2 发包人提供的材料和工程设备 Materials and Plant Supplied by Employer

5.3 材料和工程设备专用于合同工程 Materials and Plant Intended for Works

5.4 禁止使用不合格的材料和工程设备

Prohibition of Use of Non-compliant Materials and Plant

6. 施工设备和临时设施 Construction Equipment and Temporary Facilities

6.1 承包人提供的施工设备和临时设施

Construction Equipment and Temporary Facilities Supplied by Contractor

6.2 发包人提供的施工设备和临时设施

Construction Equipment and Temporary Facilities Supplied by Employer

6.3 要求承包人增加或更换施工设备

Requirements for Contractor to Add or Replace Construction Equipment

6.4 施工设备和临时设施专用于合同工程

Construction Equipment and Temporary Facilities to be Used Exclusively for Works

7. 交通运输Traffic & Transport

8. 测量放线 Survey and Setting Out

9. 安全、治安保卫和环境保护Safety, security defense and environmental protection

10. 施工安全、治安保卫和环境保护 Work Safety, Security and Environmental Protection

11. 开工和竣工 Commencement and Completion of Work

12. 暂停施工Suspension of construction

13. 工程质量 Work’s Quality

14. 试验和检验Test and Inspection

15. 变更 Variations / Amendments

16. 价格调整 Price Adjustment

18 竣工验收Completion Acceptance

19. 缺陷责任与保修责任Defects Liability and Quality Warranty

20. 保险 Insurance

21. 不可抗力 Force Majeure

22. 违约 Default

23. 索赔 Claims

24. 争议的解决Dispute Resolution


7.3 场外交通 Off – site traffic

7.3.1 承包人车辆外出行驶所需的场外公共道路的通行费、养路费和税款等由承包人承担。

The contractor shall bear the tolls, road maintenance fees and taxes on off-site public roads required for the contractors vehicles to travel.

7.3.2 承包人应遵守有关交通法规,严格按照道路和桥梁的限制荷重安全行驶,并服从交通管理部门的检查和监督。

The contractor shall abide by the relevant traffic laws and regulations, drive safely in strict accordance with the restrictions on roads and bridges, and obey the inspection and supervision of the traffic management authority.

7.4 超大件和超重件的运输 Transportation of oversize and overweight parts


For the contractor’s responsibility of transportation of oversized or overweight parts, the contractor shall be responsible for handling the application formalities with the traffic management authority and the employer shall give assistance. The contractor shall bear the cost of temporary reinforcement and reconstruction of roads and bridges and other related expenses for transporting oversized or overweight parts, except as otherwise agreed in the particular condition.

7.5 道路和桥梁的损坏责任 Liability for damage to roads and bridges


If the public roads and bridges inside and outside the construction site are damaged due to the contractors transportation, the contractor shall bear the full cost of repairing the damage and possible compensation.

8.6 水路和航空运输 Water and air transport


The contents of the above terms of this article are applicable to waterway transportation and air transportation, in which the term “road” includes rivers, routes, locks, airports, docks, embankments and other similar structures in waterway or air transportation. The meaning of the word “vehicle” includes ships and aircraft.

8. 测量放线Measuring and laying line

8.1 施工控制网 Construction Control Network

8.1.1 发包人应在专用合同条款约定的期限内,通过监理人向承包人提供测量基准点、基准线和水准点及其书面资料。除专用合同条款另有约定外,承包人应根据国家测绘基准、测绘系统和工程测量技术规范,按上述基准点(线)以及合同工程精度要求,测设施工控制网,并在专用合同条款约定的期限内,将施工控制网资料报送监理人批准。

The employer shall, through the supervisor within the time limit specified in the particular condition, provide the contractor with measurement datum points, datum lines, benchmarks and their written materials. Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular condition, the contractor shall, pursuant to State’s surveying / mapping standards, surveying / mapping systems and engineering surveying technical specifications, measure and design the work control network subject to the above-mentioned reference points ( lines ) and the accuracy requirements of the contract project, and submit the data of the construction control network to the supervisor for approval within the time limit stipulated in the particular condition.

8.1.2 承包人应负责管理施工控制网点。施工控制网点丢失或损坏的,承包人应及时修复。承包人应承担施工控制网点的管理与修复费用,并在工程竣工后将施工控制网点移交发包人。

The contractor shall be responsible for management of the construction control network. If the construction control network is lost or damaged, the contractor shall repair in time. The contractor shall undertake the management and repair costs of the construction control network and hand over the construction control network to the employer subsequent to the completion of the project.

8.2 施工测量 Construction Survey

8.2.1 承包人应负责施工过程中的全部施工测量放线工作,并配置合格的人员、仪器、设备和其他物品。

The contractor shall be responsible for all construction survey and pay-off work in the construction process in addition to equipment with qualified personnel, instruments, equipment and other articles.

8.2.2 监理人可以指示承包人进行抽样复测,当复测中发现错误或出现超过合同约定的误差时,承包人应按监理人指示进行修正或补测,并承担相应的复测费用。

Supervisor may instruct contractor to conduct sampling retest. Where errors are found in retest or deviation exceeding those agreed in the contract, contractor shall conduct correction or retest pursuant to supervisors instructions and bear corresponding retest expenses.

8.3 基准资料错误的责任 Responsibility for error of baseline data


The employer shall be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the survey datum points, datum lines and benchmarks and their written data provided by the employer. Where the contractor suffers a loss due to the error in above provided datum data, the employer shall bear the increased costs and / or delay in the construction period in addition to pay reasonable profits to the contractor. The contractor shall verify the accuracy of the above information during design or construction, and notify the supervisor in time if obvious errors or omissions are found.

8.4 监理人使用施工控制网 Supervisor uses construction control network


Where the supervisor needs to use the construction control network, the contractor shall provide necessary assistance, without expense on the employer therefor.


With the approval of the supervisor, other relevant contractors can also use the construction control network for free.

9. 安全、治安保卫和环境保护Safety, security defense and environmental protection

9.1 发包人的安全责任 Employers Safety Responsibility

9.1.1 发包人应按合同约定履行安全职责,授权监理人按合同约定的安全工作内容监督、检查承包人安全工作的实施,组织承包人和有关单位进行安全检查。

The employer shall perform safety duties as stipulated in the contract, authorize the supervisor to supervise and inspect the implementation of the contractors safety work as stipulated in the contract, in addition to organize the contractor joint with relevant units to conduct safety inspections.

9.1.2 发包人应对其现场机构雇佣的全部人员的工伤事故承担责任,但由于承包人原因造成发包人人员工伤的,应由承包人承担责任。

The employer shall be responsible for the work-related injuries of all the personnel employed by its on-site organization, however the contractor shall be responsible for the work-related injuries of the employers personnel due to the contractors reasons.

9.1.3 发包人应负责赔偿以下各种情况造成的第三者人身伤亡和财产损失:

The employer shall be responsible for compensation for the personal injury and property loss of a third party caused by the following circumstances:


The third party property losses caused by the occupation of land by the project or any part of the project;


The third partys personal injury and property loss caused by the employers reasons in the construction site and its adjacent areas and in the performance of the contract.

9.2 承包人的安全责任 Contractors safety responsibility


The contractor shall perform safety duties as stipulated in the contract, strictly enforce national, local government laws, regulations, rules and regulations on construction safety management, and strictly implement the safety production management of the project formulated by the contractor, regulations, safety inspection procedures and construction safety management requirements, and instructions from supervisors on safe work.

承包人应根据本工程的实际安全施工要求,编制施工安全技术措施,并在签订合同协议书后 28 天内,报监理人和发包人批准。该施工安全技术措施包括(但不限于)施工安全保障体系,安全生产责任制,安全生产管理规章制度,安全防护施工方案,施工现场临时用电方案,施工安全评估,安全预控及保证措施方案,紧急应变措施,安全标识、警示和围护方案等。对影响安全的重要工序和下列危险性较大的工程应编制专项施工方案,并附安全验算结果,经承包人项目总工程师签字并报监理人和发包人批准后实施,由专职安全生产管理人员进行现场监督。

The contractor shall prepare construction safety technical measures according to the actual safe construction requirements of the project, and within 28 days after signing the contract agreement, report to the supervisor and the contractor for approval. The construction safety technical measures include (not limited to) construction safety guarantee system, safety production responsibility system, safety production management rules and regulations, safety protection construction scheme, temporary power consumption scheme at the construction site, construction safety assessment, safety pre-control and guarantee measures, emergency response measures, safety signs, warnings and containment programs. For important processes that affect safety and the following dangerous projects, special construction plans should be prepared, and the results of safety audits should be attached. The project should be signed by the chief engineer of the contractor and submitted to the supervisor and the contractor for approval. Conduct on-site supervision.


The projects that need to prepare special construction plans for this project include, not limited to the following:


Excavation of earthwork and stone with potential danger under adverse geological conditions;

(2)滑坡和高边坡处理; Treatment of landslides and high slopes;


Pile foundation, retaining wall foundation, deep water foundation and cofferdam projects;


Construction of beams, arches, columns and other components in bridge engineering;


Bad geological tunnels and high gas tunnels in tunnel engineering;


Piling ship operations, construction ship operations, offshore island operations and construction work while navigating, etc.;


Underwater welding, concrete pouring, blasting engineering, etc. in underwater engineering;

(8)爆破工程; Blasting works;


Erection and removal of large supports, formwork and bridges in large-scale temporary projects; reinforcement and removal of bridges and wharfs;

(10)其他危险性较大的工程。 Other dangerous projects.

监理人和发包人在检查中发现有安全问题或有违反安全管理规章制度的情况时,可视为承包人违约,应按第 22.1 款的规定办理。

Where the supervisor and the employer find out safety problems or violations of the safety management rules and regulations during the inspection, the same can be regarded as breach of contract by the contractor and shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of article 22.1.

9.2.2 承包人应加强施工作业安全管理,特别应加强易燃、易爆材料、火工器材、有毒与腐蚀性材料和其他危险品的管理,以及对爆破作业和地下工程施工等危险作业的管理。

The contractor shall strengthen the safety management of construction operations, especially the management of inflammable and explosive materials, fire equipment, toxic and corrosive materials and other dangerous goods, in addition to the management of dangerous operations such as blasting operations and underground engineering construction.

9.2.3 承包人应严格按照国家安全标准制定施工安全操作规程,配备必要的安全生产和劳动保护设施,加强对承包人人员的安全教育,并发放安全工作手册和劳动保护用具。

The contractor shall formulate construction safety operation procedures in strict accordance with State’s safety standards, equip necessary protection facilities of safety production and labor, strengthen safety education for the contractors personnel, and issue safety work manuals and labor protection appliances.

9.2.4 承包人应按监理人的指示制定应对灾害的紧急预案,报送监理人批准。承包人还应按预案做好安全检查,配置必要的救助物资和器材,切实保护好有关人员的人身和财产安全。

The contractor shall formulate the pre-arranged planning for disaster response as instructed by the supervisor and submit it to the supervisor for approval. The contractor shall also carry out safety inspection pursuant to the plan, allocate necessary relief materials and equipment, and effectively protect the personal and property safety of relevant personnel.

9.2.5除项目专用合同条款另有约定外,安全生产费用应为投标价(不含安全生产费及建筑工程一切险及第三者责任险的保险费)的1.5%(若发包人公布了最高投标限价时,按最高投标限价的1.5%计)。安全生产费用应用于施工安全防护用具及设施的采购和更新、安全施工措施的落实、安全生产条件的改善,不得挪作他用。如承包人在此基础上增加安全生产费用以满足项目施工需要,则承包人应在本项目工程量清单其他相关子目的单价或总额价中予以考虑,发包人不再另行支付。因采取合同未约定的特殊防护措施增加的费用,由监理人按第 3.5 款商定或确定。

Unless otherwise specified in the project-specific contract terms, the cost of production safety shall be 1.5% of the bid price (excluding the cost of production safety and insurance of all risks of construction works and third party liability insurance), (if the contractor has announced the maximum bid limit price, based on 1.5% of the highest bid limit price). The cost of production safety shall be used for the procurement and renewal of construction safety protective equipment and facilities, the implementation of safety construction measures, and the improvement of safety production conditions, and shall not be diverted to other purposes. If the contractor increases safety production costs on this basis to meet the project construction needs, the contractor shall consider it in the unit price or total price of other relevant sub-items of the projects bill of quantities, and the bidding inviter shall not pay separately. The additional costs due to the use of special protective measures not agreed upon in the contract shall be agreed or determined by the supervisor in accordance with article 3.5.

9.2.6 承包人应对其履行合同所雇佣的全部人员,包括分包人人员的工伤事故承担责任,但由于发包人原因造成承包人人员工伤事故的,应由发包人承担责任。

The contractor shall be responsible for the work-related accidents of all personnel employed thereby in performing the contract, including subcontractors, however the employer shall be responsible for the work-related accidents of the contractors personnel due to the employers reasons.

9.2.7 由于承包人原因在施工场地内及其毗邻地带造成的第三者人员伤亡和财产损失,由承包人负责赔偿。

The contractor shall be responsible for the compensation of third party casualties and property losses caused in the construction site and its adjacent areas due to the contractors reasons.

9.2.8 承包人应充分关注和保障所有在现场工作的人员的安全,采取以下有效措施,使现场和本合同工程的实施保持有条不紊,以免使上述人员的安全受到威胁。

9.2.8 The contractor shall pay full attention to and ensure the safety of all personnel working at the site, and adopt the following effective measures to keep the site and the implementation of the contract project in an orderly manner, so as not to threaten the safety of the aforementioned personnel.


Effect arrangement of full-time safety production management personnel in accordance with the minimum number and qualification requirements stipulated in the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Work Safety of Highway and Waterway Engineering;


The contractors vertical transportation machinery operators, construction vessel operators, blasting operators, installation and dismantling workers, crane signal workers, electricians, welders and other state-specified operators should undergo the training of special safety operations in accordance with state regulations and can start to work at his position only getting training and obtaining the qualification certificate for special operations;


All construction equipment and high-altitude operation equipment should be inspected regularly and signed by the security officer;


In accordance with the construction characteristics of each unit of this contract, the relevant provisions such as the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Work Safety of Highway and Water Transport Projects and Technical Specifications for Safety of Highway Engineering Construction shall be strictly implemented.

9.2.9 为了保护本合同工程免遭损坏,或为了现场附近和过往群众的安全与方便,在确有必要的时候和地方,或当监理人或有关主管部门要求时,承包人应自费提供照明、警卫、护栅、警告标志等安全防护设施。

In order to protect the contract project from damage, or for the safety and convenience of nearby and past people, the contractor shall provide lighting at his own expense when and where it is really necessary, or where required by the supervisor or the competent authority , guards, fences, warning signs and other safety protection facilities.

9.2.10 在通航水域施工时,承包人应与当地主管部门取得联系,设置必要的导航标志,及时发布航行通告,确保施工水域安全。

In the construction of navigable waters, the contractor shall contact the local competent authority, set up necessary navigation signs, and issue navigation notices in time to ensure the safety of the construction waters.

9.2.11 在整个施工过程中对承包人采取的施工安全措施,发包人和监理人有权监督,并向承包人提出整改要求。如果由于承包人未能对其负责的上述事项采取各种必要的措施而导致或发生与此有关的人身伤亡、罚款、索赔、损失补偿、诉讼费用及其他一切责任应由承包人负责。

During the entire construction process, the contractor and the supervisor have the right to supervise the construction safety measures taken by the contractor, and put forward rectification requirements to the contractor. If the contractor fails to take all necessary measures for the aforesaid matters, the contractor shall be responsible for personal injury, death, fines, claims, compensation for damages, litigation costs and all other liabilities.

9.3 治安保卫 Security

10.3.1 除合同另有约定外,承包人应与当地公安部门协商,在现场建立治安管理机构或联防组织,统一管理施工场地的治安保卫事项,履行合同工程的治安保卫职责。

Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the contractor shall, in consultation with the local public security authority, establish a public security management organization or joint defense organization on the site, uniformly manage the public security issues of the construction site and perform the public security duties of the contract project.

9.3.2 发包人和承包人除应协助现场治安管理机构或联防组织维护施工场地的社会治安外,还应做好包括生活区在内的各自管辖区的治安保卫工作。

The employer and the contractor shall do a good job of public security in their respective jurisdictions, including the living quarters in addition to the on-site public security management organization or defense organization to maintain the social security of the construction site.

9.3.3 除合同另有约定外,承包人应编制施工场地治安管理计划,并制定应对突发治安事件的紧急预案,报监理人批准。自承包人进入施工现场,至发包人接收工程的期间,施工现场发生暴乱、爆炸等恐怖事件,以及群殴、械斗等群体性突发治安事件的,发包人和承包人应立即向当地政府报告。发包人和承包人应积极协助当地有关部门采取措施平息事态,防止事态扩大,尽量减少财产损失和避免人员伤亡。

Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the contractor shall prepare a public security management plan for the construction site and formulate an emergency plan for dealing with public security emergencies, which shall be submitted to the supervisor for approval. From the time the contractor enters the construction site to the time when the employer receives the project, the employer and the contractor shall immediately report to the local government any riot, explosion and other terrorist incidents on the construction site, as well as mass public security incidents such as gang fights and duels. The employer and the contractor shall actively assist the local authorities to take measures to calm the situation, prevent the situation from expanding, minimize property losses and avoid casualties.

9.4.7 承包人应切实执行技术规范中有关环境保护方面的条款和规定。

The contractor shall effectively implement the environmental protection provisions and regulations in the technical specifications.

(1)对于来自施工机械和运输车辆的施工噪声,为保护施工人员的健康,应遵守《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》并依据《工业企业噪声卫生标准》合理安排工作人员轮流操作筑路机械,减少接触高噪声的时间,或间歇安排高噪声的工作。对距噪声源较近的施工人员,除采取使用防护耳塞或头盔等有效措施外,还应当缩短其劳动时间。同时,要注意对机械的经常性保养,尽量使其噪声降低到最低水平。为保护施工现场附近居民的夜间休息,对居民区 150m 以内的施工现场,施工时间应加以控制。

For construction noise from construction machinery and transportation vehicles, in order to protect the health of construction workers, they should abide by the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution and reasonably arrange workers to take turns to build roads in accordance with the Noise Hygiene Standard for Industrial Enterprises, reduce contact time with high noise, or arrange high noise work intermittently. For construction workers who are close to the noise source, in addition to taking effective measures such as using protective earplugs or helmets, they should also shorten their labor time. At the same time, pay attention to the regular maintenance of the machine to minimize the noise. In order to protect the night rest of the residents near the construction site, the construction time should be controlled for the construction site within 150m of the residential area.


For the main pollution sources of dust pollution during highway construction-dust mixing, dust generated from the operation and transportation of construction vehicles and road construction machinery, effective measures should be taken to reduce air pollution to the construction site and protect peoples health, such as:

a. 拌和设备应有较好的密封,或有防尘设备。

The mixing equipment should be well sealed or dustproof.

b. 施工通道、沥青混凝土拌和站及灰土拌和站应经常进行洒水降尘。

Construction passages, asphalt concrete mixing stations and lime soil mixing stations should be regularly sprinkled with water to reduce dust.

c. 路面施工应注意保持水分,以免扬尘。

Pay attention to keep moisture in the road construction to avoid dust.

d. 隧道出渣和桥梁钻孔灌注桩施工时排出的泥浆要进行妥善处理,严禁向河流或农田排放。

The mud discharged from tunnel slag discharge and bridge bored pile construction shall be properly treated, and it is strictly forbidden to discharge to river or farmland.

(3)采取可靠措施保证原有交通的正常通行,维持沿线村镇的居民饮水、农田 灌溉、生产生活用电及通信等管线的正常使用。

Adopt reliable measures to ensure the normal traffic of the original traffic, and maintain the normal use of pipelines such as drinking water, farmland irrigation, electricity for production and living, and communications for residents in the villages and towns along the line.

9.4.8 在整个施工过程中对承包人采取的环境保护措施,发包人和监理人有权监督,并向承包人提出整改要求。如果由于承包人未能对其负责的上述事项采取各种必要的措施而导致或发生与此有关的人身伤亡、罚款、索赔、损失补偿、诉讼费用及其他一切责任应由承包人负责。

For the environmental protection measures taken by the contractor during the entire construction process, the contractor and the supervisor have the right to supervise and make rectification requests to the contractor. If the contractor fails to take all necessary measures for the aforesaid matters, the contractor shall be responsible for personal injury, death, fines, claims, compensation for damages, litigation costs and all other liabilities.

9.4.9 在施工期间,承包人应随时保持现场整洁,施工设备和材料、工程设备应整齐妥善存放和储存,废料与垃圾及不再需要的临时设施应及时从现场清除、拆除并运走。

During the construction period, the contractor shall keep the site tidy at all times. The construction equipment and materials and engineering equipment shall be neatly and properly stored. Waste and garbage and temporary facilities that are no longer needed shall be promptly removed from the site.

9.4.10 在施工期间,承包人应严格遵守《关于在公路建设中实行最严格的耕地保护制度的若干意见》的相关规定,规范用地、科学用地、合理用地和节约用地。承包人应合理利用所占耕地地表的耕作层,用于重新造地;合理设置取土坑和弃土场,取土坑和弃土场的施工防护要符合要求,防止水土流失。承包人应严格控制临时占地数量,施工便道、各种料场、预制场要根据工程进度统筹考虑,尽可能设置在公路用地范围内或利用荒坡、废弃地解决,不得占用农田。施工过程中要采取有效措施防止污染农田,项目完工后承包人应将临时占地自费恢复到临时占地使用前的状况。

During the construction period, the contractor shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the Several Opinions on the Implementation of the Most Strict Cultivated Land Protection System in Highway Construction, and regulate land use, scientific land use, rational land use, and economic land use. The contractor shall make reasonable use of the cultivated layer on the cultivated land occupied by the contractor for rebuilding the land. The soil pits and dump sites shall be reasonably set up. The construction and protection of the soil pits and dump sites shall meet the requirements to prevent soil erosion. The contractor shall strictly control the amount of temporary land occupation. Construction access roads, various material yards, and prefabricated yards shall be considered as a whole according to the progress of the project. As far as possible, they shall be set up within the scope of highway land or shall be settled by waste slopes or abandoned land. No farmland shall be occupied. During the construction process, effective measures shall be taken to prevent the farmland from being contaminated. After the project is completed, the contractor shall restore the temporary land occupation at its own expense to the condition before the temporary land occupation.

9.4.11 承包人应严格按照国家有关法规要求,做好施工过程中的生态保护和水土保持工作。施工中要尽可能减少对原地面的扰动,减少对地面草木的破坏,需要爆破作业的,应按规定进行控爆设计。雨季填筑路基应随挖、随运、随填、随压,要完善施工中的临时排水系统,加强施工便道的管理。取(弃)土场必须先挡后弃,严禁在指定的取(弃)土场以外的地方乱挖乱弃。

The contractor shall strictly follow the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations, and do a good job of ecological protection and soil and water conservation during construction. During construction, disturbance of the original ground shall be reduced as much as possible, and damage to grass and trees on the ground shall be reduced. If blasting operation is required, explosion control design shall be carried out according to regulations. The roadbed filled in the rainy season should be dug, transported, filled, and pressed. The temporary drainage system during construction should be improved and the management of construction access roads should be strengthened. The picking (abandoning) soil field should be blocked first and then discarded. It is strictly prohibited to arbitrarily dig and throw away in the place other than the designated picking (abandoning) field.

10.4 环境保护 Environmental Protection

10.4.1 承包人在履行合同过程中,应遵守有关环境保护的法律,履行合同约定的环境保护义务,并对违反法律和合同约定义务所造成的环境破坏、人身伤害和财产损失负责。

The contractor shall, during the performance of the contract, abide by the relevant laws on environmental protection, perform the obligations of environmental protection stipulated in the contract, and be responsible for environmental damage, personal injury and property damage caused by violating the laws and obligations stipulated in the contract.

10.4.2 承包人应按合同约定的环保工作内容,编制环保措施计划,报送监理人批准。

The contractor shall, pursuant to the environmental protection work stipulated in the contract, prepare a plan for environmental protection measures and submit it to the supervisor for approval.

9.4.3 承包人应按照批准的施工环保措施计划有序地堆放和处理施工废弃物,避免对环境造成破坏。因承包人任意堆放或弃置施工废弃物造成妨碍公共交通、影响城镇居民生活、降低河流行洪能力、危及居民安全、破坏周边环境,或者影响其他承包人施工等后果的,承包人应承担责任。

The contractor shall, in accordance with the approved construction environmental protection measures plan, pile up and dispose of the construction waste in orderly manner to avoid damage to the environment.

The contractor shall bear the responsibility for the consequences such as obstructing public transportation, affecting the lives of urban residents, reducing the flood discharge capacity of rivers, endangering the safety of residents, damaging the surrounding environment, or affecting the construction of other contractors.

9.4.4 承包人应按合同约定采取有效措施,对施工开挖的边坡及时进行支护,维护排水设施,并进行水土保护,避免因施工造成的地质灾害。

The contractor shall, subject to the agreement hereof, take effective measures to support the slope excavated in time, maintain the drainage facilities, and carry out soil and water protection to avoid the geological disasters caused by the construction.

9.4.5 承包人应按国家饮用水管理标准定期对饮用水源进行监测,防止施工活动污染饮用水源。

The contractor shall regularly monitor the drinking water source in accordance with the national drinking water management standards to prevent construction activities from polluting the drinking water source.

9.4.6 承包人应按合同约定,加强对噪声、粉尘、废气、废水和废油的控制,努力降低噪声,控制粉尘和废气浓度,做好废水和废油的治理和排放。

The contractor shall, in accordance with the contract, strengthen the control of noise, dust, waste gas, waste water and waste oil, strive to reduce noise, control dust and exhaust gas concentration, and do a good job in the treatment and discharge of waste water and waste oil.

9.5 事故处理 Accident Treatment


In the event of an accident occurs during the performance of the contract, the contractor shall immediately notify the supervisor which shall immediately notify the employer. The employer and the contractor shall immediately organize personnel and equipment to carry out emergency rescue and repair, reduce casualties and property losses, prevent the accident from expanding and protect the scene of the accident. Where necessary to move the articles on the site, it is necessary to make marks and written records and properly keep the relevant evidence. The employer and the contractor shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, promptly and truthfully report the accident and the emergency measures being taken to the relevant authority.

10. 进度计划 Schedule

10.1 合同进度计划 Contract Schedule


The contractor shall, in accordance with the content and time limit stipulated in the particular condition hereof, prepare a detailed construction schedule and construction plan description to be submitted to the supervisor. The Supervisor shall approve or propose a modification within the time limit specified in the particular condition hereof, otherwise the schedule shall be deemed to have been approved. The construction schedule approved by the supervisor refers to the contract schedule which is the basis for controlling the progress of the contract. The contractor shall also prepare a more detailed phased or sub-schedule schedule according to the contract schedule and report it to the supervisor for approval.


承包人向监理人报送施工进度计划和施工方案说明的期限:签订合同协议书后28 天之内。

监理人应在 14 天内对承包人施工进度计划和施工方案说明予以批复或提出修改意见。


For the contents of the construction plan description prepared by the contractor, please refer to the particular conditions of contract of the project.

The period limited for the contractor to submit the construction progress plan and construction plan description to the supervisor: within 28 days after signing the contract agreement.

The supervisor shall, within 14 days, approve the contractors construction schedule and construction plan description or propose amendments.

The contract schedule should be prepared according to the two forms of the key line network diagram and the main work horizontal road map, and should include the estimated workload and image progress to be completed each month.

10.2 合同进度计划的修订 Revision of the contract schedule


Whatever reason to cause the actual progress of the project fails to conform to the contract schedule in article 10.1, the contractor may, within the time limit specified in the particular condition hereof, submit an application report accompanying to the revised contract schedule to the supervisor for approval; the supervisor may also directly give instructions to the contractor to amend the contract schedule, the contractor shall, in accordance with the instructions, revise the contract schedule and report the same to the supervisor for approval. The Supervisor shall reply within the time limit stipulated in the particular condition hereof. The supervisor shall obtain the consent of the employer before the approval.​​​

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